Sicking Industrial Marketing |
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The top Oil & Gas Magazine comes to Russia
Open Systems Publishing, Moscow, has signed a licensing agreement to publish a Russian edition of the Oil & Gas Journal. Published by the
PennWell Corporation since 1902, it has been in print longer than any
other periodical in the industry. The Oil & Gas Journal is the world's
most authoritative source of information about Like the international edition, the Russian version will be aimed primarily at managers and engineers directly involved in various aspects of the oil & gas business ... including exploration, production, transportation, refining, petrochemical industry, as well as development and investment in the industry.
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PennWell hat mit dem Verlag Open
Systems Publishing ... in dem u.a. auch russische Titel von Gruner &
Jahr erscheinen ... eine Lizenzabkommen über die Herausgabe einer
russischen Ausgabe des Oil & Gas Journal geschlossen.
Die internationale Ausgabe des Oil & Gas Journal erscheint seit 1902 und erreicht heute über 108.000 zahlende Bezieher. Das Journal ist in der weltweiten Öl- und Gas-Industrie mit deutlichem Abstand die meistgelesene Zeitschrift. Oil & Gas Journal Russia wendet sich wie die Originalausgabe an Manager und Ingenieure in Exploration, Drilling, Production, Pipeline / Transport, in Raffinerien und in der Petrochemie.
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Redaktion Editorial contact |
(Yevgeny) Khartukov is Chairman of the editorial board.
Prof. Khartukov is a leading international expert on Russian and exSoviet oil and gas issues. He has authored and co-authored over 250 articles, brochures and books on petroleum and energy economics, politics, management, and Russian's Far East. Participating as a speaker an/or a session chairman in more than 165 international energy, oil and gas and economic fora. Editorial contact: Natalya Petrow -
Themenbereiche Editorial subjects Exploration & Development of oil & gas deposits Drilling & Production Onshore & Offshore Transportation / Pipelines Refining / Gas Processing Petrochemical Industry Also News Calender of Events Regions Management Forecasts International Business
Erscheinugnsweise Frequency |
Monatlich / monthly |
2009 Editorial calendar 2009 |
Auflage/Verbreitung Circulation/Distribution |
10.000 Volume/Basis-Umfang: 128 pages - 4c Type of business: 45% Oil & Gas Operations Company Operations: 10% Exploration Positions: 15% Executives
Anzeigen Advertising |
Advertising rates (4c rates)
Seite: EUR 6.090 Discounts:
2 and more ads: 5% discount Advertising agency commission: 15%
Rate Card 2009 |
Andreas Sicking Sicking Industrial Marketing Emmastr. 44 - 45130 Essen / Germany Telefon +49 (0)201-779861 Telefax +49 (0)201-781741
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